Practice Talk
Practice Talk
Welcome to Practice Talk, the podcast that delves deep into the intricacies of healthcare practices. We amplify the voices of actual team members, revealing strategies for creating thriving healthcare practices.
Each episode, we engage with diverse staff, from receptionists to lab technicians and administrative professionals who will share candid stories and provide practical solutions for juggling patient care and business demands.
Our mission is to empower the dedicated teams that make healthcare happen. So whichever role you play, tune into Practice Talk for a genuine peek behind the scenes.
How to Listen
The podcast audio files are uploaded monthly. You can listen here or subscribe to the podcast on your favorite podcast player to receive automatic notices when each new episode is available. See links below to our show on most major podcast players.

Lacie is joined by Sarah Gibson, the Treatment Coordinator for her office. Sarah delves into various facets of her role, including discussing the established procedures for welcoming new and existing patients. She emphasizes the importance of active listening and provides real-life examples of how it…
Welcome to our first episode of Practice Talk, featuring Lacie Ellis as the host. Today Lacie sits down with Kaitlynn Kopa, the scheduling coordinator at King Orthodontics in Dayton, Ohio. She offers valuable insights on managing appointments for school-age children during and after school hours. She…
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