We just returned from the AAO 2019 Annual Session in Los Angeles and we are excited to share what we have learned.
Yes, we were invited to give a lecture on practice marketing, but because this is the biggest orthodontic conference in the world, it was just as important for us to find out the latest and greatest so we can stay at the forefront of this rapidly changing industry. These changes are affecting the way we do business and challenging independent orthodontists’ abilities to adapt if they are to survive.
We thought it’d be helpful to share some of our observations regarding trends and technology, particularly for those who weren’t there. Here are a few things we learned:
There is no doubt about it, the digital native demographic is becoming the decision-maker in matters of orthodontics. We need to prepare ourselves to utilize these innovations to differentiate our practices, provide a competitive edge, and moreover, give them what they are looking for.
Our expertise in digital marketing helps you communicate with the digital natives in your community so they understand that your practice best meets their needs. We ensure your practice is poised for success and has every tool you need to become the orthodontic practice of choice for a new generation.
If you’re interested in learning more about these trends and technologies, let us know. We’re making recommendations and then marketing them to the consumer on behalf of our clients.
Let’s talk about how that might work for your practice.