Klempner and Epstein Highlighted in McGill Advisory Newsletter: Make The Phone Ring With Social Advertising
October 04, 2016
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We're pleased that Dr. Klempner was highlighted in the most recent McGill Advisory newsletter, in an article titled Make The Phone Ring With Social Media Advertising
Highlights include:
The biggest benefit to Facebook Advertising is that it lets you put your practice in front of people who are not already connected to your page. This is a new audience in need of your services that may not yet be aware of your practice. This is achieved through demographic targeting. Facebook has collected tons of data about the people who use its social network. While this information is anonymous, you can design a campaign that strategically circulates your advertising to a select group based on age, gender, income, interests, how old their children are, and, most importantly, if they live within a specific radius of your practice address. That means you’re targeting the subset of users most likely to come to your practice. This is a powerful tool and best of all, it’s not expensive.
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Click below to read the full article:
[av_image src='http://pplpractice.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Klempner-Article-McGill_Advisory_2016_Sept-1-232x300.jpg' attachment='753' attachment_size='medium' align='center' styling='' hover='av-hover-grow' link='manually,/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Klempner-Article-McGill_Advisory_2016_Sept.pdf' target='_blank' caption='yes' font_size='' appearance='on-hover' overlay_opacity='0.4' overlay_color='#000000' overlay_text_color='#ffffff' animation='no-animation']
Read Article Here
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The above article was reprinted with permission from The McGill Advisory, a monthly newsletter with online resources devoted to tax, financial planning, investments, and practice management matters exclusively for the dental profession, published by John K. McGill & Company, Inc. (a member of The McGill & Hill Group, LLC). Visit www.mcgillhillgroup.com/newsletter or call 888.249.7537 for further information.